Do I Ask for This Stuff....?

This is just one "little" example of what has become commonplace with me it seems. I had to find a new cardiologist because my old one retired. I get irregular heart beats which I sometimes treat with a med. No biggie, but I do need to be set up with a cardio or I ain't gonna get this drug... lol I wasn't nervous of having to go through a big discussion of previous history like I do when seeing new doctors about my shoulder. This appointment was gonna be a breeze.
So I prance into the office to what I felt was finally a "no-brainer" appointment. I take my blood test results from last year because my cholesterol has been on the high side for the past few years, upper 200's. I showed them to to the doc and also told him I tried a couple statins but they cause side effects of joint and muscle pain and with all the other pain I'm going through right now I just didn't need that. We talked about diet and even where to buy oatmeal...
He prescribed the med for my ocassional irregular heart beat (yeaaa), he prescribed a statin, gave me some 5mg samples and a script for 10mg and told me to cut them in half. The script would last me a bloody lifetime He told me to take it every other day and to eat oatmeal, lowfat diet, yadyada. He orders a blood lipids profile. Like I said - SIMPLE APPOINTMENT...
I get my blood test. I begin taking my statin every other day. Almost a month goes by and I get a letter (not the actual test results) in the mail. I am the poster child for cholesterol readings. My cholesterol is 174 and other things are low and within range. I'm like - uhhhhh, why am I taking a statin?
It turns ugly... I call the doctor's office asking for a copy of my blood results as I always do. But, because of all the things I've experienced in past few years I say "Why didn't you call me and tell me not to take my statin since my cholesterol is so low. What if I had been an elderly patient and didnt know by reading this letter that I could stop taking my statin." Nurse responds "The doctor didn't prescribe a statin for you." I argue with the nurse for a while and finally ask to talk to the Supervising Nurse. I tell her I am amazed that the doctor didn't even have notes in his file that he prescribed a drug for me. She said she would talk to the nurse and have either the doctor or nurse call me.
A few days later I get a message from the nurse. "The doctor says the statin is doing a great job and to continue taking it and to be sure to keep your follow up appointment in January." O M G I wasn't taking ANY statins when I saw he ordered the blood test. At this point, I called the doctors office and just asked for a copy of my whole file.
When I receive my medical file from the cardiologist, I'm not surprised to see there is no record of him prescribing Crestor, although I have the bottle with his name on it. It's NOT a good practice by any doctor to not record what he has prescribed to a patient.
The rest is ok until we get to the bottom and he says
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